Answer: Emergency Services stands for CCU (Coronary Care Unit) and CICU (Cardiac Intensive Care Unit). Actually, Emergency Service is the service where the patients could not be improving and recovering their health conditions during the treatment and they need the best treatment for their health recovery in lieu of present treatment for this they are shifted to the best hospital for their proper and hi-tech treatment by which they could sustain and revitalize their life style.
Answer: Air Ambulance Service is one of the fastest and quickest emergency services where the patients are transferred from one city to another city under the world class specialist medical team by Private Aircraft or Economical Airlines. If the patients are very serious are needs urgent CCU or CICU service out of the city then only private Air Ambulance Service is rendered and provided to them. It is available to the serious patients within 3-4 hours only after the call booking. Private Aircraft is fully well-equipped with all CCU or CICU essential equipments such as- ventilator, cardiac monitor, suction machine, infusion pump, nebulizer machine; defibrillator, oxygen cylinders and all necessary equipments are available to the serious patients as per their requirement.
Commercial Airlines emergency service is the service where patients are transferred into economy class or business class for this they need the clearance of fit of transferring certificate after then they can be shifted from one city to another city. Primarily, it is available to them who are stable and conscious and no addicted with serious diseases. It is available to the needy after one or two days. It is cheaper than private aircraft.
Answer: Train/Rail Ambulance is the CCU or CICU emergency service where the serious patients are transferred by train in either Tier 2 AC or Tier 1 AC or Tier 3 AC as per demanding under the full CCU or CICU setups like- Ventilator, Suction Machine, Cardiac Monitor, Infusion Pump, Nebulizer Machine, Defibrillator, Oxygen Cylinders etc available to the patients during their transferring from one bed to another bed under the specific and keen supervision of MD doctors and medical staffs. It is available to all the needy on train schedule time within same day or 1 day or 2 days later only after the call booking. It is cheaper than Air Ambulance Service. Now-a-days, it is the most popular among the patients’ relatives; it is because of it is totally economical and affordable price than others.
Mostly, Train Ambulance Services take care of both the very serious patients and stable patients. That is why, it has both CICU emergency services like full ICU services and Semi-ICU services and both serious/unconscious patients are being transferred and normal/conscious/stable patients are being transferred under the required supervision of medical team.
Answer: Ground/Road Ambulance Services is the ambulance services where the patients are being transferred by Road Ambulance in which ALS (Advance Life Support), BLS (Basic Life Support), QEV (Quick Emergency Vehicles) and CA (Commercial Ambulance). ALS is totally well-equipped with full ICU setups like- Ventilator, Cardiac Monitor, Suction Machine, Infusion Pump, Oxygen Cylinders and all the essential life stocking equipments are available to the patients and the remaining road ambulance are normally well-equipped with Semi-ICU equipments. Road Ambulance takes care of both very serious and normal patients from one place to another place or from one hospital to another hospital but it is well-known for a little distance or within 300 km for the patients’ transferring. ALS is most costly than other road ambulances.
Answer: Whether Air Ambulance or Train Ambulance or Road Ambulance patients are transferred under the supervision of medical team operating all the essential treatment from one bed to another but it totally banks on distance and place and environment. All of them, emergency services are available on phone and as the confirmation is clear the patients are transferred within a short time or as per their approach. There is some basic concepts of patients’ transferring by Air Ambulance (Road Ambulance and Private Aircrafts/Commercial Airlines), Train Ambulance Services (Road Ambulance Services and Train ICU Emergency Facilities) and Road Ambulance.
Answer: Obviously, Falcon Emergency Services provide nationwide and international wide Air Ambulance Services to all the patients either they are serious/unconscious or they are normal/conscious/stable. It provides or procures during the patients’ transferring or evacuation by International or National Air Emergency Services under the ICU specialist and well qualified medical team who can take decisions regarding patients’ treatments quickly with safe and sound ways and means. It has a large number of MD doctors’ panels and a group of paramedical technicians they are fully dedicated and seriously responsible for the sake of their patients. National Air Ambulance Service has no time while International Air Ambulance Service has some time.
Answer: It is the very important question for the guests or call bookers. National Air Ambulance Services has Patients’ case summaries and ID proofs, International Air Ambulance Services has Patients’ case summaries, ID proofs, Visa, Passport and NOC certifications.
Train Ambulance Services has Patients’ Case Summaries and ID Proofs while Road Ambulance Services has some formalities. As all the documentations are completed as per given time or determined time any of them emergency services is available to the needy after the call booking.
Answer: This is the prime and factual question for any call booker how he can book his call. Exactly, the mode of call booking facility is very easy and simple; he can book his call through online via Banks, RTGS, NEFT, UPI, IMPS and offline via offices, hospitals, determined places and the call is booked on the given time he can get the CCU or CICU emergency services for his patient to shift from one city to another city by either air ambulance or train ambulance or road ambulance services.
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Dolor sit amet, consecte tuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt.
Dolor sit amet, consecte tuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt.
Dolor sit amet, consecte tuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt.